Camping Rates & Reservation Requests

Situated on just over 12 wooded acres, Shady Oaks Campground is ideal for year around camping. Our facilities are among the best in the Ozark Mountains. Our goal is to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. With this goal in mind, we are always working to provide the best camping experience possible. We have a complete array of camping, recreational and convenience facilities to assure your time with us is top notch. We make improvements each year to provide you with the best camping experience possible.

Large Group Primitive Tent & Hammock Camping
Per Person
Nightly rate: $16.00 per person + tax
Tent – Primitive and Private
2 Person Pricing
(No electric and water close by)
12, 35, 36
Nightly rate: $28.00 + tax
Tent – Electric and Private
2 Person Pricing
(Off site water available)
1, 2, 3, 5, 33, 34
Nightly rate: $31.00 + tax
Pop Up or Camper
2 Person Pricing
(On site water and electric)
4, 6, 7, 13
Nightly rate: $34.00 + tax
Full Hook Up 30 amp
2 Person Pricing
(30 amp/Sewer/Cable)
8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 26, 27, 30, 31, XC1, XC2
Nightly rate: $50.00 + tax
Full Hook Up 50 amp
2 Person Pricing
(50 amp/Sewer/Cable)
10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 32
Nightly rate: $50.00 + tax
Glamping Tents
2 Person Pricing
Our glamping tents have all the basic kitchen essentials. This includes a mini fridge, coffee maker, and microwave, also fully heated and aired. Seating area located outside of each tent.
Bucks Place: Queen bed with futon that pulls out.
Dollywood: Queen bed with futon that pulls out.
Nightly rate: $95.00 + tax
Camper Cabins
(2 person pricing)
Small fridge/freezer, coffeemaker, microwave, air conditioning and heat. If linens and towels are requested, the price is a $15.00 one-time charge for first bed and a $5.00 for each additional bed. Showers and restrooms are close by.
Black River Retreat: Full main floor, 1 full and 1 single in loft
Buffalo River Bugalow: Full main floor, 1 full and 1 single in loft
Bull Shoals Bunkhouse: Full and single main floor, 1 full and 1 single in loft
Hog Creek Cottage: Single over full bunk main floor, 1 full and 1 single in loft
Nightly rate: $95.00 + tax
Full Service Cabins
(2 person pricing)
Bedding/Towels provided
Crooked Creek Cabin: Well equipped kitchen area including cookware, drip coffee maker, utensils and dishes, table and 4 stools, futon, bathroom with shower, toilet and sink, Cable TV, bedding and towels included, queen main level and 2 full in loft. Air conditioning and heat.
Ozark Mountain Cabin: Well equipped kitchen including cookware, drip coffee maker, utensils and dishes, bar seating area, bathroom with shower, toilet and sink, Cable TV, futon, bedding and towels included, queen main level and 3 singles in loft. Air conditioning and heat.
Nightly rate: $120.00 + tax
10% discount for Veterans – thank you for your service!
We also have Weekly & Monthly rates available in our recently expanded extended stay area. Please contact us for details.
All pricing is subject to change.
All prices are based on Double Occupancy, extra people over the age of 5 will be charged as follows:
Private Tent/RV/Camper: $5.00 per person, per day
Camping Cabins: $12.50 per person, per day
Full Service Cabins: $15.00 per person, per day
Guest Fee: $5.00 per person, per day
Dog Cost in Cabins (max 2 dogs): $10.00 per dog per day (other rules apply)
Overflow Parking/Extra Vehicle: $5.00 per day per vehicle

Request a Reservation Online

We are looking forward to meeting and serving you here at Shady Oaks Campground during your Ozark Mountain vacation. Once we receive your request, we will contact you to confirm your reservation. Please note, reservations are not guaranteed until a deposit payment is made or is held with your credit information. As of July 5, 2022, we require a half down deposit for ALL reservations.

When you reserve at Shady Oaks, you will receive this information in your confirmation email:

Park Policies:  

- All Guests must check-in at the office prior to entering the park.
     RV & Tent Guests:
     - Check-in is from 1:00 PM and 6:00 PM*
     - Check-out is no later than 11:00 AM
 Cabin Guests: 
     - Check-in is from 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM*
     - Check-out is no later than 11:00 AM
- Running Late?
     - Please contact the Park Office, as soon as possible, at 870-743-2343.
     - Late arrivals will be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
     - Late arrivals are subject to a Late Check-in fee.
 - NO CHECK-INS AFTER DARK (Safety Reasons).
 - Quiet Time is from 10:00 PM - 8:00 AM.
 - Unless your pet is enjoying themselves at the Dog Park, they MUST be on a leash when outdoors.

  Cancellation Policy:
 - Deposits are 100% non-refundable, no exceptions.
 - All cancellations received within 29 days of check-in are subject to an additional $25.00 Cancellation Fee.
 - No Shows will be charged up to the balance of the reservation plus a $25.00 Cancellation Fee.
 - Camper credit is valid up to a year.

Spam Harvester Protection Network
provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
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Important: Y2ou9 maye be making use ofd automated ef72ormc-filldidng 1sodft1wafre. Th7i7s type of s5oaftware cf2ean 6trigbger o7u6r hidcd5e64n spam-detec3t1i11eon 6s25ecys77tem, wh6icaha wi8ll eb97b0lock yo9u f23rom sufbbmittiang this6 8form. Plbease se1c7l6ect Fix T8his8c831f2fa09 95e415be3fd8f790dbc12150e8062o8410r2134e9e 950bd6a13f14a8e649dc0o2mp2334l7et71ing9 the3 5fe67oe4r0mc bi2b11n6 7o27r4ea52d7er t1o72 acodr75r846ec6t 8at68eh3e pr75o7c3b7d0lemb.21
Important: 34Yddou may be0 6ma0kiabng use 8of2 au7tomat9edf 6form-befilling fsoff4tware.d8 eThis type of sof0tcware can t0rigg9er our hiddebn spam-detection3 1syste93m, which wi2ll block you fro5mb846 submitti7ng th9is formc. I0tf appears 7t3hat bthe probleem 3could not be au5tomatic1al6lya corrected. Pleease clear any fie5ld whidch appears abbcove with6 4co5r8respond3ing inst3ructcions324bafba44572f98 6c58b5103645c0684e96e8bbe6forc1dae6ea 5ded52f6fb5757070compleatingd tdhe faor0c0m 4in oar3der tee7f6ao c4bbo2r3reca56t the p1drobl5e21m. We ap8ol7ogi6ze3 f7ora the ian7conv5bce9nfiencef1 and4dc 5wbe apprecia4te 20yo0ucf4r6 5unde5r9standaing.d51
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